Sunday, November 27, 2011

Winning NaNoWriMo 2011

You are now looking at the owner of a shiny purple bar and  50k words for NaNoWriMo.  Yup.  That is correct.  I JUST WON NANOWRIMO!

Of course, I doubt this novel will ever see the light of day.  It's... not very good.  It happens to be lacking plot, compelling characters, and I still am not quite sure how to end it.  So... it's not very good.  But it's there, and that's what matters.  I wrote it, and sure, it's horrible, and I don't love the story, and it's full of plot holes, but you know what?  That doesn't matter.  What matters is that I won, that I put my mind to it, and I won, for the second year in a row.  And, I'm only thirteen.  So guess what?  I can write-- maybe not very well, but I can do it.  I can put words to paper, and get those stories that are constantly bouncing around my head out.  And I like to do it.  So I'm pretty psyched.  I did it-- I won NaNoWriMo.  Now I'm going to order my winner's shirt.  And act super excited and bounce around my house, and then collapse and watch TV for the rest of the night.  

To all you doing NaNoWriMo:  If you're still working toward 50k, keep going!  You can do it!  If you're there, congrats!  Feels good, doesn't it?  And if you don't think you're going to make it, that's okay too.  You tried, and that's awesome.  

The Dandy Lioness


  1. Thanks! Now I just have to get around to finishing this, so that I can get back to work on my other WIP. :)

    ~The Dandy Lioness/Sofie
