Dear Luna Lovegood/my lovely neighbor/locker partner,
I'm eating your fudge right now. It's delicious, and yummy. <3
Dear my lovely school friends,
Thank you for all the wonderful gifts. They made me smile.
Dear Milo,
Thank you for sitting last night with me, when I was reading Christmas books. You're so cuddly and sweet.
Dear sister-of-mine,
I can't wait until you get home. I'm going to make you make peppermint bark with me.
Dear wonderful friend of mine who tried, and completed NaNoWriMo with me,
Please contact me back, so we can make a NaNoWriMo cake.
Dear teachers,
Thank you for giving little to no homework over the break.
Dear YouTube,
Thank you for entertaining me last night. It was much appreciated.
Dear friends and followers,
I love you all.
The Dandy Lioness
Great letters. :)